Ludum dare game jam 40

Unity 3D -- C#  (2017)

My first Ludum Dare game jam! (number 40), Together with the Danish Jackie Engberg ( we created a crazy cat lady game

The theme of ludum dare 40 was: The more you have, the harder it gets!

the link:

I met Jackie when we both were interrested in joining a small game team on a facebook page. To get to know each other, Jackie sugested that we should join the Ludum dare game jam (40) with the current team. Sadly the team wasn't responding as enthousiastic as we hoped, so I alone teamed up with Jackie and we started working on the 4 day long game jam! 

We both had our personal life, school and work in the way of fully working on the game, so we worked around 4 hours a day on the main project. The last night before the deadline, we stayed up till 6 am to finish the as much as we could!

We wanted to create a small game, where the player has to feed his cats before they die of hunger/ thirst! And the crazy cat player can't refuse new cats! 

In this project, I intended to learn a bit about other code styles, I did pick up some handy tricks from jackie! though I was also responsible for the art, which took a bit more time then I origionally wanted. 

This was also the first time I worked with source tree and bit bucket! 

Project BitBucket link

Play/Download Project